About Jeffrey Nedas

jeffrey-nedasJeffrey was educated at the City of London School and St Catharine’s College, Cambridge. After training with Coopers & Lybrand (PwC), Jeffrey founded his own firm, which he later merged with a City practice, where he was Senior Partner. A Partner at BDO Stoy Hayward LLP from December 1997 to December 2008, Jeffrey chaired the firm’s Professional Services Group and founded its national Family Law Finance Group. In addition, Jeffrey maintained an extensive Private Client and Private Company portfolio.

Jeffrey has over 35 years’ experience advising clients throughout the UK and abroad. This enables Jeffrey to put forward and contribute to commercial, and sensible, solutions in the Settlement process: these seek to unlock value from assets and income streams in a tax effective and commercial manner. Jeffrey is known for his practical, constructive and commercial approach to achieving financial settlements – especially where there is limited liquidity.

Jeffrey is an Affiliate Member of Resolution and is one of the first financial professionals to be trained in Collaborative Law. He is the “Expert Accountant” member of the London Collaborative Law Pod, “Collaborative Solutions”.

Matrimonial and divorce forensic accounting

Jeffrey has frequently been instructed as the Expert Accountant in high value, complex, matrimonial cases where the values and ownership of assets and the quantum of income streams have been disputed. Cases have often included in an international dimension.

He has given Oral Evidence in the High Court, Family Division and Queen’s Bench Division and in the Principal Registry of the Family Division.

Jeffrey is a member of The Money and Property Committee of The Family Justice Council and regularly lectures at Family Law Conferences and Seminars in the UK and abroad. He has had papers published in ‘Family Law’ and elsewhere.

Recent reported cases in which Jeffrey has acted as the Expert Accountant include Miller v Miller, Myerson v Myerson, NA v MA, S v S and H v H.

Business interruption and loss of profits forensic accounting

Jeffrey has extensive experience in business interruption and loss of profits claims. This includes assessing, preparing and defending claims for companies affected by unexpected circumstances, such as the 2005 Buncefield oil disaster and forced relocation from the 2012 Olympic site. His experience enables him to assess and defend claims in unusual circumstances, including those with hard-to-value rare assets and not-for-profit organisations.

Jeffrey is an active commentator on business interruption and has written on the issue for national and business publications.


   » Jeffrey Nedas


T +44 (0)20 7290 4480
T +44 (0)7721 420219 | jln@jeffreynedas.com

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